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Welcome to Worship at Faith Lutheran!

Every Sunday, In Person & Online at 9:30 a.m. PST


Welcome to Faith Lutheran Church: a community reflecting God's love with a place at the table for everyone! Click on the button below to worship with us online, or join us in person at 667 East 1st Ave. Coffee hour takes place after in-person worship, so make sure to stick around, enjoy a warm cup of coffee or decaf, and connect with your neighbors. The Zoom button below allows you to connect to online meetings and classes.


A Little About Us


Communion, member and volunteer positions, and council, staff, and clergy positions are for everyone. Share in the grace of God and Holy Communion regardless of background, race, gender, sexuality, religion or spirituality, relationship status, financial status, or living arrangement. 


Some highlights of our ministry include: family ministry (toddler, youth, young adult, senior, and intergenerational ministry); small groups based on hobbies and interests that meet outside of church; community service addressing food and housing insecurity, social equity, and disaster relief; lots and lots of art; and music including choir, handbell choir, and contemporary music from brass to guitar to percussion. 


Services start at 9:30am on Sunday, and we have ushers and greeters (plus lots of friendly parishioners!) who will help alleviate any anxiety you may have about worshiping at a new church. We have a diverse variety of worship services throughout the year, including ecumenical Christian services, interfaith worship with neighboring congregations of different faiths, family-led worship, and holiday services featuring special music. It is not uncommon to find visiting musicians and guest preachers here, either! 


 Faith Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and a Reconciling in Christ community.


Faith Talks
The Official Faith Lutheran Church Newsletter

Stay up to date on worship, events, and activities by receiving Faith Talks, our monthly newsletter, delivered to you in print. Contact the office to let us know you'd like to be put on the mailing list. In the meantime, browse the latest edition here, or click this link to see our archive of previous editions.