Join Candy Munson in April for Paint and Praise! Our illustrious art teacher will show us how to paint lambs. In the past, Candy has taught classes on how to paint butterflies, seasonal birds, and landscapes. If you are able, please provide $10 which will cover the cost of the acrylic paints and supplies, which Candy will provide at the session. Scholarships are available; talk to Michael at the office. Optional things to bring: blow-drier, snacks, drinks to share. 10 slots are available for each session. Please RSVP with Candy (number in directory) or Michael at the office.
Saturday, April 5th, 2pm Session: This Alphabet Soup session is our first LGBTQ group event of the year! If you're on the alphabet spectrum and want to meet other folks at church who are, this is a great opportunity to do so, and get a little messy with paints too! This session will take place at 2pm in Room 6 at church.
Sunday, April 6th, 1pm Session: This general session will take place at 1pm on Sunday, April 6th. The location is TBD. Feel free to bring a drink and a snack to share as we create and get to know our neighbors!