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Psalm 100 says, "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Music is a gift from God given to everyone! We're here to help you find an outlet that makes your spirit happy. Regardless of your skill level, you are invited to sing with us and to ring with us! 

Join us on Wednesdays at 4pm for Bell Choir practice, Thursdays at 5:45pm for Choir practice, or Thursdays at 7:15pm for Contemporary (singing and instrumental) practice.

Whether you sing solo or in a group, play the bells, play another instrument, or just want to jam along with a tambourine, there is a place for you here regardless of skill or age. Ask about our different music groups including the aforementioned church-based groups, our children's music, or our affiliated groups like the Music Teacher's Association of California (MTAC) or the Chico Children's Choir! No matter where you want to sing or play, we will help get you connected.