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The new position of Director of Youth and Children's Ministries is a shift in how Faith Lutheran ministers to the youngest members of God's family. Rather than have a staff person be the primary Sunday School teacher and youth leader, the new director is charged with recruiting, training, and encouraging people of Faith to share God's love with our children. You are called to be Christ's witnesses to the newest generations, and the church is here to help you! That's why we're excited to introduce Joshua "Josh" Edwards!

Josh is a Chico local with three children of his own, two boys and one girl. One of his passions is to tell people stories and share messages that will help them grow in life and welcome Christ. He does this through video, photography, and making music, and these languages communicate to other their own gifts and talents, that they too may discover their passions, minister to others, and positively impact their own life and the lives around them.

Josh has been the District Executive for the Boy Scouts of America, Communications Coordinator for the African American Cultural Center in Oroville, and Marketing Director for School Enrichment plus carries out his own passion projects. You can click this link to watch Josh's introduction video, and this Sunday, November 17th, we will formally introduce him at church on Sunday at 9:30 AM.

Josh, we are so excited to minister with you, work with you, share our passions, and grow in community together!