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We hope you're excited for Rally Day, our ministry showcase on Sunday, September 8th at 11AM after worship concludes. If you enjoy cars, racing, BBQ, and classic American rock, then you'll love this year's theme! If you're new to Faith Lutheran and have been hoping to sample our small groups, outreach programs, music groups, worship teams, and all the cogs that make us go 'round, this is the perfect day to visit. 

We ask that all those eating at the BBQ purchase one ticket per person to help us keep track of how much food we need, and to cover the costs. If there is money left over, the Equipping Ministry will donate it to a cause that aligns with our ministry of community service and disaster relief. Tickets will be available to purchase at church on Sunday, and cost $10 per adult and $3 per child. If you are unable to afford a ticket, we will not turn you away! Just let us know, and we will make sure that we all eat together at our metaphorical (and physical) table! 

Oh, and don't stress about holding onto your ticket. Instead, write your first and last name on it and stick it in the designated box to be entered into a mystery raffle! Names will be drawn on Rally Day. See you then!