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This winter, Safe Space Winter Shelter was told they would not be allowed to operate in churches as they had in the past because of issues with fire code. After pleading with Chico city council and the fire marshal, Safe Space received the green light in early January to operate in churches.  

This led Faith Lutheran to consider whether or not it would participate as a host for Safe Space this winter. After several weeks of asking questions, gathering information, and discussion with Safe Space, Colter submitted a proposal to Faith Lutheran’s church council for discussion during their meeting. After a lengthy, difficult discussion, the council voted that Faith Lutheran not host Safe Space in 2021 during this COVID-19 pandemic. This was not an easy decision for the council to reach, especially because the need for shelter in Chico is urgent and apparent. The risks presented because of COVID-19 were too great for Faith Lutheran to allow facility use to Safe Space.   

Faith remains a strong supporter of the important work of Safe Space, and will continue to partner with them to advocate for shelter for all. Throughout this winter season, Faith Lutheran will maintain contact with Safe Space and is ready to support them in other ways. This might involve members of our congregation preparing meals and delivering them if or when other churches host.  

Faith Lutheran’s commitment to its unhoused siblings in Christ has not wavered, and Colter and the Social Ministry Team will continue to seek out ways our church can be the hands of Jesus in Chico. If you are interested in being involved in Faith Lutheran’s ongoing efforts to support our unhoused neighbors in Chico, please contact Colter at