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Ministry Info Wanted from All FLC Facilitators
Due Friday May 3rd in order to be Included in "Equipped to Serve"
Meal Train for Carol Grandy
Over the next week, we invite you to sign up to serve a meal to Carol Grandy plus her housemate as Carol recovers....
You Can Return Plastic Eggs Here!
Help us save plastic from landfills by bringing back your eggs from this year's hunt, or donating some you may have...
Michael is Not Leaving!
Hi everyone, Michael here! Thank you for the warm congratulations. For those of you who don't know, I have accepted...
No Music Practice for Handbells and Choir this Week
In celebration of all of the hard work for Holy Week, the Handbell Choir and Sanctuary Choir will be off this week...
Vases here, grab your vases!
Thank you all so much for making the Easter season meaningful, and thank you also to those who brought the...
Miss Dani's Maundy Thursday Sermon Available to Read
On Maundy Thursday, 2024, we had a dinner party at Faith Lutheran Church, reflecting the Gospel of John,...
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