Does your church really support LGBTQ+?
Yes. At Faith, God's children are celebrated for who they are, and there are absolutely no constraints as to when and where queer-identifying parishioners or visitors may serve be it on staff, at worship, or within clergy. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) is our governing body, and we are a part of the Sierra Pacific Synod. Within the ELCA, churches can opt to be a "Reconciling in Christ" community. When churches like ours adopt the RIC status, it means that we openly announce that we are affirming. Faith Lutheran Church is a celebratory and affirming place of worship for cis and transgender staff, council, members, volunteers, and visitors of all sexualities.


I don't know much about LGBTQ+. Where can I educate myself?
Check out LGBTQ+ Identities and their Meanings , a Faith Lutheran publication touching on different gender and sexual identities. Your Trans Neighbor touches on the basics of what it means to be transgender. These publications were created by queer and trans identifying members of Faith Lutheran Church and edited by Stonewall Alliance. For more faith-based, LGBTQ+ education, check out Reconciling Works' Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation resources


Does Faith participate in queer events?
Yes! Aside from being money-sponsors of Stonewall Alliance Center, we always participate at Chico's Downtown Pride Festival. Our staff has participated in Drag Storytime for kids, some leading the kids' call while others did drag and read stories. We collaborate with Stonewall Alliance yearly to host Transgender Day of Remembrance, a vigil for those who have lost their lives to acts of trans violence over the last year. This includes an altar built by the Chico community, and Faith members provide comfort food for after the vigil. We also offer music, sermons, and stories as part of Chico's annual Interfaith Pride Service.


Are there any non-faith-based resources in the Chico area?
Absolutely! If you are in need of counseiling, support groups, or would like to learn more about the broader LGBTQIA+ community of Chico, check out Stonewall Alliance Center.


Alphabet Soup
Alphabet Soup is Faith Lutheran's queer fellowship group. We don't have a set meeting schedule, and meet to play games, eat food, and share our stories whenever we feel like doing so. If you're interested in joining us, please call our office and ask to speak with Michael or Grace.