5 Pentecost

Each week, we provide questions based on the sermon. These questions are to encourage you to connect the scriptures to your own life and to invite you to grow deeper in your relationships with others at Faith by discussing the questions together. 

Readings: COLOSSIANS 1:1-14, LUKE 10:25-37

Sermon: We rob ourselves of life by asking "what must I do," but Jesus is our Good Samaritan who carries us to abundant life where we instead ask, "what am I free to do?" 


1) In what ways does your "must do" list prevent you from connecting with the people around you?
2) When was a time that you were unable to complete your "must do" list? What happened?
3) Pick a challenge in your life or the world that feels important but overwhelming. In what ways are you free, not to solve this challenge, but to respond to it in love?