24th Sunday after Pentecost

Each week, we provide questions based on last Sunday's sermon. These questions are to encourage you to connect the scriptures to your own life and to invite you to grow deeper in your relationships with others at Faith by discussing the questions together. 

Readings: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13

Sermon: We are anxiously waiting to greet Jesus in the future cloud, but Jesus meets us now on the present ground.


1) When have you focused so much on a big project that you failed to care for the people in your life? What did you learn from that experience?

2) When have you pretended to know something that you didn't? Why did you do so? What came of it?

3) If we learn to look for Jesus in our lives based on what he looks like on the cross, where have you seen Jesus this week?