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On Nov. 24th, join us after worship for presentations on two organizations helping transform lives in Chico: 6th Street Center for Youth and Chico Housing Action Team. We will kick off a coat drive that will culminate on Sunday, Dec. 15th, when we hear John the Baptist proclaim, “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none” (Luke 3:11). These coats will go to the 6th Street Center for Youth, and so we will hear how 6th Street's services help children transition from homelessness to healthy adulthood. We’ll also have a representative from Chico Housing Action Team (CHAT) share a video about the work they have been doing to get people off the streets of Chico and into homes permanently. This includes a collaboration with Faith Lutheran, called the Mercy House, which provides long-term housing for four women with chronic medical needs. Nov. 24th, 11pm, in the sanctuary.