We welcome all in the community to Faith Lutheran Church's annual Advent Workshop and Hanging of the Greens, a day of fellowship, food, crafts, and holiday decorating for the whole family! There will be food, music, sanctuary decorating, a swag making competition, crafts, cookie decorating and more! Help is needed to bring back this beloved Faith Lutheran tradition. Check out the sign up table in the sanctuary to see how you can be involved. Non perishable donations of items are also needed and can be placed in the box by the table. Perishable donated items can be brought to church the day before. Borrowed items that will be returned can also be brought the day before.
Perishable Items Needed:
(to be brought the day before)
Tool Donations Needed
(to be brought day before)
(all tools will be returned, please label with your name)
Non Perishable Items needed: