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It's back! JOYS is back! And we'd like to invite all seniors to attend our small group on the second and fourth Mondays of the month from January to May. Just Older Youth, Seniors! will be reading a book called "Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts of Faith" by Anne Lamott. 

"Anne Lamott claims the best two prayers she knows are "Help me, help me, help me" and "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Despite --or because of-- her irreverence and wit, faith is a natural subject for Lamott. With an exuberant mix of passion, insight, and humor, in Traveling Mercies she takes us on a journey through her often troubled past to illuminate her devout but quirky walk of faith." 

Paperback books can be purchased at Faith's office anytime during office hours. They cost $4 each. We hope you'll consider joining us for book study, fellowship, and faith. 

Meeting dates, Mondays: January 13 | January 27 | February 10 | February 24 | March 10 | March 24 | April 14 | April 28 | May 12 | May 26.