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In Loving Memory of Graham Skinner
Our brother in Christ, Graham Skinner, died this afternoon due to endocarditis and septic shock. As we grieve his...
Chili Cooks Wanted for Refreshment Day
Refreshment Day is a day where new and old members can learn about Lutheran tradition, and get to know each other a...
Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday April 6th at 7pm - communion and foot-washing Good FridayApril 7th at 7pm - with prayer stations...
Potluck Items Needed for Carl's Funeral
Carl Skounborg's funeral is this Thursday, March 23rd at 11am. Dishes are still needed for the potluck. If you are...
Easter Mums
Each year for Easter, we decorate the sanctuary with beautiful flowers! You can purchase mums for $10 a piece, in...
Update on Carl and Faye Johnson
Carl and Faye Johnson were reunited last week! They are sharing a room at Marquis Shasta Post Acute Rehab in...
Daylight Savings Time!
Make sure to "spring forward" the night of Saturday, March 11th, because Daylight Savings is this Sunday, March...
Faith Lutheran Church Scholarships
The Women's Ministry of Faith Lutheran Church is casting their net out again to see how many eligible applicants...
In Loving Memory of Carl Skounborg
At age 99, our brother in Christ, Carl Skounborg, has finished his journey on this earth and now rests in heavenly...
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